Sample: Consent to
Release Confidential Information
Client name:
Confidential information may be released to or
obtained from the following person(s) or organizations.
Phone number
Counselor Phone number
requested information is needed or will be provided for the following purposes:
to provide ongoing treatment/counseling
emergency only
to coordinate treatment/counseling efforts with my employer/school personnel
to obtain insurance/employer/church/government benefits
to enable judges, attorneys, probation/parole officers to support treatment
goals or
make legal decisions on my behalf.
hold harmless this counselor in regard to use of the information for release or
exchange of confidential information including information regarding HIV, AIDS,
sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders, and substance abuse. I
understand that this form is not required as a condition of treatment or
counseling and that it may be revoked by me in writing at any time except to
the extent that the action has already been taken. I knowingly and voluntarily
waive the Indiana law provision that the consent expires in sixty (60) days and
specify that this consent remain in effect
further disclosure of information sent in reliance on this authorization is
prohibited except upon specific consent by the person to whom it pertains.
have read and understand the above and acknowledge that it was properly
completed prior to my signature. A photocopy of this authorization is as
authentic as the original signed authorized release. An original will be
retained in my records.
Client/Guardian Signature Date of Birth SSN Date
Signature Date