Sample: Registration Form
Client: Last name First Middle
Address City State Zip
Home: Work: Cell: Other:
Date of birth: Gender:
Last name First Middle
(circle one)
Home: Work: Cell: Other:
Date of birth: Gender:
If client is a child,
parents are:
O married O
separated O never married O divorced* O committed relationship
* A
copy of the final decree w/custodial responsibilities must be included in your
child’s file ______ parent initials
Are you the sole custodial parent? O yes O no
If no, name of the joint custodial parent:
Phone(s) of joint custodial parent:
Home: Work: Cell: Other:
How did you hear about us?
Payment is expected at time of your appointment. _____
client initials
(cash, check, or money order)
It is the responsibility of the insured to file for
reimbursement. _____
client initials